Questions about Chi for Two®

  • Chi for Two is a multi-generational trauma healing method. 

  • Demi, a client of Chi for Two Embodiment Coach Mukti Jarvis offers this description:

    “After having seen 10-12 different therapists over the years, I’d almost lost hope in finding the right match. But from the beginning, Mukti provided a safe and nurturing container for me to express myself and overcome much of my childhood trauma.

    One practice that was particularly supportive was the ‘bite/snap caught by the mother’. Despite having practiced this virtually, it was a very cathartic way to release whatever had built up in me.

    Mukti made me feel comfortable enough to express or vent whatever pain or frustration had come up for me. I would throw it towards her and she was able to catch it energetically. We would continue this until I felt I’d released it all. She would then process and transmute it with her hands and send it back to me as ‘stardust’.

    I never felt rushed or pressured to process things quicker than I was able to. Mukti also encouraged me to use this practice outside of sessions when I needed a similar kind of release.

    The ‘push’ exercise was also something that we practiced during our virtual sessions. I would often feel overwhelmed and ungrounded, and pushing against the wall with Mukti’s guidance would help me to find my core and feel further into my physical body.

    These physical practices were helpful for me, particularly as someone who is more inclined towards living in my head and overlooking the value of connecting with my body. I appreciate the fact that Mukti would always guide me back to my body and help me to find safety there.

    I can’t thank her enough for her guidance in developing healthier relationships, communication skills and a deeper connection with myself. Her ongoing support and maternal presence has had a huge part in shaping the person I am today and helping me realise my own strength. I can’t recommend her enough.”

  • “Intergenerational” describes interaction between generations. “Multigenerational” means over multiple generations. The Chi for Two developers chose the hyphenated “multi-generational” because Chi for Two invites examination of the development of human relationships over many generations. Chi for Two embodiment coaches are invited to be curious about how patterns of relationship have gotten passed down through trauma patterning since people began living and working together—even as far back as when people lived as hunters and gatherers. Chi for Two invites body awareness of the energetic dance of relationship between people over many, many generations.

  • We invite you to travel through our website learning all about polyvagal theory. You can start by signing up below for some polyvagal pizzazz (a drawing by John Cargile that you can download and put on your refrigerator), then you can go to Polyvagal 101.

  • In 2021, the Trauma Foundation did an integrative pilot study of trauma therapy. The study identified five categories for effective trauma therapy. Because Chi for Two synthesizes aspects of many long-standing approaches to healing, all five categories identified in the Trauma Foundation’s study are part of Chi for Two. The five categories are: psychoeducation about trauma, embodiment/somatic mindfulness, nervous system regulation, integration of movement expressions that became inhibited by trauma, and understanding in conscious ways how our early life experiences shape and motivate our behaviors. See Synthesis of Chi for Two®.

  • Dee Wagner, originator of Chi for Two writes about three Chi for Two Embodiment Coaching sessions in these blog posts:

    Partnering with a Chi for Two Embodiment Coach

    Client practices with Chi for Two Embodiment Coach to help with Ruminating Thoughts

    A Couple Practices with a Chi for Two Embodiment Coach

  • We have blog posts on ways that Chi for Two is like and different from other healing methods. Click on the questions below and you will be taken to the blog post for the answer!

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