Chapter Six: Chi for Two Embodiment Coach Training Program
Photo© 2021 J Cargile
Back when Stephen was 5, Dee wrote a children’s book called Mabry. Recently Stephen and Dee recognized how this children’s book foreshadowed the first Chi for Two practice—Star.
Mindful movement became Stephen’s profession. He has taught yoga, meditation and martial arts off and on over many years. It was when he became a tai chi teacher, that Dee approached him and invited him to develop Chi for Two® with her.
Before COVID, Stephen was invited to create Chi for Two classes in a school for kids on the sensitivity spectrum. In doing this, he helped to clarify the final version of many of the partner practices.
During the shelter-in-place of COVID, Dee and Stephen—with the help of Caroline, Mary Lou and John—developed the two-year Chi for Two Embodiment Coach training program.